Individual Therapy
The key to effective therapy is having a trusting and open relationship between the therapist and the client. Our modality of therapy is flexible for that exact reason. We customize our approach to meet the needs of our client instead of being locked into one therapeutic approach. The primary theory that drives therapy at Counseling Plus is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. CBT, as it is often referred to, is a modality that surmises, at its essence, thoughts drive feelings, which drive actions. In order to adjust your actions to give you the results you want, you must first understand your feelings, and the thought process that develops them. Individual therapy is a process, but Cognitive Behavioral therapy tends to be more time-structured. There are instances where an individual’s therapy takes more or less time than average, which is about 8-14 sessions. Regardless of the average time, motivation, or modality, your time in therapy is all dependent and tailored to the client’s individual needs.
Group Therapy
Group therapy is a great way to explore issues in a greater context than just individual therapy. Often clients will receive both individual and group therapy from the same therapist in the interest of continuity while exploring new and differing opinions. Some of the other benefits of group therapy are an opportunity to benefit both through active participation and observation. Group members benefit by working through personal issues in a supportive, confidential environment and also by assisting other members with their issues. This all-inclusive group also allows for accountability outside the individual.
Family Counseling
At Counseling Plus, relationship is of the utmost value that drives our practice. As family oriented therapists, this is a particular area of importance. Working with the family dynamic to enable families to learn to live harmoniously enables everyone to thrive in their environment.
Couples/Marriage Counseling
Couples, Pre-marital and marital counseling is often the foundation of a healthy relationship. At Counseling Plus, compassionate empathy and deep understanding of another person whose life you choose to share can strengthen any relationship, even those already founded in love and respect. The most important part of this type of therapy is to be respectful of each other and the relationship. Growing in love and understanding at any stage of a relationship can only add to your partnership.
Individual Assessments
I have several different assessment tools that I use for each individual during their first individual session. The following are the current assessments used to direct and give me information for the individual sessions. (An individual can come in for an assessment profile without any need for further individual sessions if so desired, just indicate this when making the referral).
Personality Assessment Inventory (PAI) -adults, ages 18 and older
The PAI is used to assess many different types of mental health issues such as potential for self-harm, aggression, paranoia, antisocial features, as well as personality disorders.
Revised Behavior Problem Checklist (RBPC)- children/adolescents, ages 5-18
The RBPC is designed to assist in screening for behavior disorders including in ADHD, Anxiety issues, psychotic behaviors and socialized aggression, among others.
Self-Directed Search (SDS)-ages 15 and older
This assessment is a comprehensive career exploration tool. This test will assist the individual in matching the career most closely to their interest, skill level and personality type.